

How to convert array to matrix and manipulate to newer matrix in MATLAB?


How to convert array to matrix and manipulate to newer matrix in MATLAB?


Given any array of numbers can be easily be convetred to matrix by using MATLAB built-in command "reshape". and then performing reshape command to each row/column and concatenate to a newer matrix. "flip" command also used for flipping column entries from bottom to top.


Let's create a array of natural numbers from 1 to 16 and store in A_old matrix and reshape each row according to the given condition

A = 1:16;
A_old = (reshape(A,[4,4]))'
A1 = reshape(A_old(:,1),[2,2])';
A2 = reshape(A_old(:,2),[2,2])';
A3 = reshape(flip(A_old(:,4)),[2,2])';
A4 = reshape(flip(A_old(:,3)),[2,2])';
A_new = [A1 A2;A3 A4]

where the second argument of reshape tells the dimension of matrix need to create. In this case, we are interested in 4x4 matrix


A_old =

     1     2     3     4
     5     6     7     8
     9    10    11    12
    13    14    15    16

A_new =

     1     5     2     6
     9    13    10    14
    16    12    15    11
     8     4     7     3

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